Welcome to the Age of Artists!
Our society and our organizations need to find better answers to the challenges posed by our pursuit of economic growth and technological progress. Many of these challenges are complex and often contradictory. In order to succeed, we need an attitude that goes beyond personal interests and an enhanced skill set.
Being able to deal with uncertainty and ambiguity is just as much a part of it as the ability to perceive or to be creative- all skills that are found in the artistic. Anyone who wants to shape the future in a meaningful and responsible manner will give the artistically acting person in themselves more space.
What we found out
People who act artistically develop a special attitude – shaped by curiosity, passion, confidence and resilience. Anyone can develop this attitude because it is inherent in all of us. It is formed by our actions and our experiences – regardless of whether we paint or do research, make music or build, write or do consulting.
Who we are
Age of Artists is a non-profit consulting and research company that specializes in transferring artistic approaches to other disciplines. Age of Artists is also an international network that unites like-minded people with diverse backgrounds – e.g. artists, managers, designers, architects, consultants, anthropologists, engineers, physicists, and developers.
How we work
Open-minded exploration, playful discovery, intuitive creation, a productive handling of critique, crisis and uncertainty – the patterns of artistic operations can be transferred to other areas. This works best if you train people and teams based on experience and at the same time develop their environment.
Where we can get to know each other
We have regular opportunities to speak about our work and our findings at conferences and other public events. We also organize our own events – from salons to three-day conferences. If you want to get to know us better, you are warmly invited to join us.
Our Work
Develop Organizations
Innovation, transformation, longevity – when it comes to the future, organizations can learn a lot from the creative disciplines. We help to create an environment that enables people to act artistically and thus contributes to a strong culture of creativity.
Strengthen Artistic Intelligence
The experience-based training in artistic operations enables individuals and entire teams to find better answers for dealing with complexity, acceleration, uncertainty and volatility.
Shaping Society
Common good is a value for us. Our network is involved in numerous projects that could not be more different and yet have one thing in common: they strengthen artistic perspectives and approaches in all areas of public life – for a better world.