Where we can get to know each other
We regularly have the opportunity to speak about our work and our findings at conferences and other public events. We also organize our own events – from salons to three-day conferences. Anyone who would like to get to know us better is welcome to meet us here.
Künstlerische Forschung erfahren – Treffen Sie uns auf dem Fachtag Bildende Kunst Sachsen
Die zweiteilige Veranstaltung beleuchtet spannende Fragen zu Künstlerischer Forschung. Der aktuelle Diskurs zu artistic research sowie die aus ihm entstehenden Potentiale werden hier einem breitem Spektrum erfahrbar.
The keen digital format for artistic practice in organizations explores current uncertainties and allows different positions to clash.
Every Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., we invite you to follow our dialogues with changing guests via live stream and to contribute yourself. Up to now the event has been held exclusively in German.
The authors of the book CREATIVE COMPANY offer a discussion and lecture tour through several cities in German-speaking countries with changing guests. Up to now the event has been held exclusively in German.