What we do for clients
Develop Organizations
Innovation, transformation, longevity – when it comes to the future, organizations can learn a lot from the creative disciplines. We help to create an environment that enables people to act artistically and thus contributes to a strong creative culture. One area of focus for our organizational work is the shaping of changes against the background of technological change.
Inspire Change
Agile in Residence
Digital Villages Saxony
Demeter in the East
Future by Docu-Fiction
Innovation Journey
Strengthen Artistic Intelligence
The experience-based training in artistic operations enables individuals and entire teams to find better answers for dealing with complexity, acceleration, uncertainty and volatility.
Key Notes
Virtual Virtuoso
Shaping society
Common good is a value for us. Our network is involved in numerous projects that could not be more different and yet have one thing in common: they strengthen artistic perspectives and approaches in all areas of public life in order to deal with urgent societal challenges and ultimately to improve our lives.
The Garage Campus
Kulturhauptdorf 2025
The Digital Manor
Our Approach
Open-minded exploration, playful discovery, intuitive creation, a productive handling of critique, crisis and uncertainty – the patterns of artistic operations can be transferred to other areas. This works best if you train people and teams based on experience and at the same time develop their environment.