Digitization is changing people’s lives forever. The “Digital Villages Saxony” project shows how digitization can be used in a meaningful way and how digitization opens up new opportunities for rural regions.
The project includes the development of a concept for sustainable digitization in the Saxon region of Lommatzscher Pflege. It is based on the implementation of workshops and other public participation opportunities to determine the need for digital services in the region.
The project also includes the provision of successfully tested digital services from the German, Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering. Various applications are provided as the cornerstone of a digital platform for the region.
Due to its roots in the region, Age of Artists is involved in the project as a sub-project management in the field of “Needs Analysis and Citizen Participation”. The subject of our activity is the on-site coordination in the LEADER region “Lommatzscher Pflege”. Our task includes the organizational preparation of citizen workshops and support for on-site project events (workshops with the population and regional actors as well as information and training events). In addition, the project is represented by a contact person in the region.
The “Digital Villages Saxony” project is part of the simul+ InnovationHub of the Saxon State Ministry for Regional Development. Research institutions, companies and administration jointly implement innovative projects under the umbrella of the simul+ InnovationHub.