We often come across them – promising change concepts that are supposed to lead safely through the change and can be used by organisations like a recipe: each ingredient is described and, with the right amount and application, leads one step further to the desired state. Every change is complex and every organization and the people in it are unique and therefore change should not be approached with simplicity, but with variety. Age of Artists was commissioned by a large company to create such a multi-faceted approach to change visible and viable.
The company, from the IT industry, decided to start a culture change program in the context of the many changes at different levels (market, organization, processes, mergers, etc.) that were happening. All 60 managers in German-speaking countries needed to be taught how to deal positively with changes and their role in facilitating that change. This program was accomplished in five iterations, in which different catalysts from different disciplines, e.g. from organizational development, psychology, artistic practice, and classic management theory.