About the Book
Companies as spaces for creativity and innovation
We are all aware that the world is big and doing business in it is a complicated, unpredictable and uncertain task for people and organizations. Today, companies have to be able to deal with numerous and often contradictory demands. Otherwise innovation and longevity would become increasingly difficult. In a situation where we lack certainty, it is no longer sufficient to act in a purely linear and rational fashion, to just do more of the same. In order to succeed, we need an enhanced skill set. We need to develop other competences: perception, reflection, playful creation and performance. These skills, as well as the ability to work with uncertainty and ambiguity, are fundamental human characteristics that cannot be digitized or automated in the foreseeable future.
People acting artistically (and this includes explicitly all people whose attitude is demonstrated in their curiosity, passion, confidence and resilience, or in their pursuit of these qualities, and who concede all of this to others), derive individual work assignments from the challenges of the society they are part of. Organizations that want to be successful in the future will depend on people who act artistically. Organizations, to fully develop their abilities, must overcome any kind of one-sidedness. They must create an environment that enables variety, purpose, autonomy and elasticity in all areas, and ultimately allows for the coexistence of opposites.
Dirk Dobiéy and Thomas Koeplin develop ideas that should be considered in every organization, whether nonprofit or profit-oriented, in times of constant change.
CREATIVE COMPANY gives an idea of how much more effective organizations and how much happier people could be if we enabled the artist within us to develop more clearly and consciously.
The Artistic Individual
Artistic Intelligence, Experience Creation, Art Without Talent, Artistic Fitness, Impulse And Result
In Search Of The Holy Grail
Business Symphony, To Spur Creativity, Masterpiece Organization, Material and Resistance
Perception, Curiosity & Variety
Beloved Complexity, Innovation Through Dialogue, The Hidden Obvious, Architecture Of Listening, The Fortune Of The Explorers
Reflection, Passion & Purpose
Birth Of An Idea, Efficient Enlightenment, Deciding Better, The Value Based Organization
Play, Confidence & Freedom
A Blank Canvas, Playful Creation, Start Organic Organizations, Efficiency And Extravagance, No Man Is An Island
Performance, Resilience & Elasticity
Artworks and Networks, Critique And Dissent, Mistakes & Failures, The Secret Of Longevity
What other people say
“The authors integrate international research and thinking about organizational development with insightful examples of creative companies. This book will be great interest to managers, consultants and students who are seeking to foster organizations’ capacity for values-oriented, creative responses to the collective challenge we face.”
“The book is inspiring. For founders, it’s very reflective for self-analysis. For companies that are currently in the process of transformation and want to become more agile and creative, this is an absolute must read.”
“Dobiéy and Koeplins Creative Company persuasively illuminates an artful approach to organizations, leadership and people. Where conventional management approaches have sought to reduce uncertainty, the creative, artful practices advocated here encourage people and organizations to adopt a more playful, action-learning modus operandi.”
“I am simply grateful and enthusiastic about how, with thorough research, perspective balance, and expert vision, the way is being prepared for a new awareness. I think this work is mandatory reading in all those organizations and companies that are looking for sustainability, added value, and meaning.”
“I have been over the whole book and find it outstanding, stimulating, novel, and full of valuable insights. This will be a very important book and I am looking forward to it.”
“The book Creative Company provides a comprehensive and scientific overview based on existing theories, studies and findings from the areas of philosophy, sociology, anthropology, and business. Furthermore, over 100 interviews with artists, entrepreneurs, and executives provide a strong connection to reality.”
“A great collection of the basics of artistic practice. It is neither exaggerated nor understated. A lot of ideas, contrasts, and approaches to rethink your own actions.”
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About the Authors
Dirk Dobiéy and Thomas Koeplin are co-founders of Age of Artists, an international consulting network and research institute. The purpose of Age of Artists is to learn from creative disciplines for better outcomes in business and society. Clients range from recognisable, global players to hidden champions of business, administration, and culture. Regardless of size and visibility they all aim to unlock the transformative power of artistic intelligence in order to make a positive impact on the future of societies around the globe.
Between 2004 and 2014 Dirk Dobiéy held various international management positions at SAP, T-Systems and Hewlett Packard. He has an educational background in international business and social science.
Thomas Koeplin has been responsible for organizational and strategy development as well as internal communication at Deutsche Telekom’s digital unit since 2002.
Both authors teach at selected universities, are active in various institutional work groups and as public speakers. In their engaging keynotes, Dirk Dobiéy and Thomas Koeplin take you on an inspirational journey towards liberating the spirit of creation in organisations. Their insights at the intersection of business, art, and science provide new perspectives, fresh ideas, and novel ways of thinking along with many stories about entrepreneurial spirit and the power of the artistic.
Reading Guide
Our Reading Guide provides you with an introduction and overview to Creative Company. It also features a selection of author quotes and a short interview with Dirk Dobiéy and Thomas Koeplin.
Making of
It took twice as long to write this book as originally planned – and another while to complete the English version. And even now it does not feel finished, because the underlying conversations and thoughts continue to evolve, adding new people, new perspectives and ideas every day. This book is the work of many and for that we are very grateful. In this context our book title “Creative Company” stands both for a constantly evolving organization and for creative activity in good company.