After reviewing a variety of readings and media for our annual research topic on quantum consulting and having merry wild discussions, we can first say that everything is possible and really nothing is certain. At the beginning, we had to ask ourselves which entry point was actually viable and how we could design a research process without being overwhelmed by the complexity of the topic.
Of course, we also wanted to approach our topic in an artistic-creative way and decided on a first approach by creating a dossier respectively a reader that would bundle our individual research approaches in an aesthetic format of representation. The individual contributions helped us a lot, on the one hand not to lose our joy and on the other hand to formulate first hypotheses about the connection between quantums and consultation. For the time being, however, this knowledge remains wild, open and receptive to next insights.
An excerpt of our first collection can be marvelled at here and anyone who would like to receive the small quantum work in its entirety can simply contact us via .