In our work on the concept of diversity, we have come to realise that it is not just an outwardly visible expression of will – since last year we have been one of the signatories of the Charter der Vielfalt – but ultimately a question of horizontal and ubiquitous practice. We have discussed gender equality (the colon won), we support the Purple Light Up initiative, we are working on making our customers websites barrier-free and we are helping to build a garage of inclusion as part of the European Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025. As important as these first steps towards more diversity are for us, they do not seem to be enough. That is why we as a company want to deal with the topic of diversity and inclusion even more intensively this year. We will look at our privileges, reflect critically on ourselves and actively work to reduce discrimination. We will try to look for the patterns of oppression, uncover them and remove them from our company as much as possible. Discrimination is a complex and multi-layered issue that we will deal with in depth, piece by piece, with the aim of coming closer to a more equal opportunity society and discrimination-free work structures also through an entrepreneurial practice of counselling. As a first step, internal workshops on the topics of gender inequality, racism and classism, thematically prepared by ourselves, are planned. The anti-discrimination course of the funding programme Integration through Qualification, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, is a great first step for us to gain a basic knowledge of the mechanisms behind discrimination. We are looking forward to an instructive time for ourselves, our partners and our counselling practice.
Focus on diversity
Recognising mechanisms of discrimination and shaping diversity